K1000 Deluxe Rug Hooking Frame

Image of K1000 Deluxe Rug Hooking Frame


Made from 100% hardwood, this fully adjustable rug hooking frame will be the last one you will ever purchase. The head swivels 360 degrees, and will tilt fully up or down. The frame adjusts in height from floor level to standing. No matter where you sit this frame will make your rug hooking comfortable and convienient.

This floor rug hooking frame is a proven design. The frame is 12 inches by 14 inches. It stands approximately 35 inches tall in the lowest position.

The heads are made with rounded edge so the grippers are open and spread to hold your backing. If you have ever tried a flat top frame and had trouble with the backing staying on, this is why. The grippers MUST be on curved in order to work 100%.

The bases are all out of hard woods as well and have a knuckle that allows it to bend to the height that is perfect for you and where ever you are hooking. The heads swivels 360 degrees and tilts 180 degrees so that you can hook at the most comfortable position for you. You can even sit on the floor if you like and it will adjust down to there I can't say enough good things about our frames and neither can our happy customers. Similar Frames sell for $250.00-$325.00-what a GREAT VALUE we are offering. Our Goal is to offer Quality products for GREAT values.

To cut down on shipping cost for all our customer we have figured out that we can ship in a smaller box if the base piece comes unattached which means you will only need to place 3 screws into the base to attach it and you will be ready to hook untill your heart is content. Screws are included and holes have been drilled. please contact me with questions...it is very easy to assemble!

Frames will ship within 14 days of ordering. We are in a process where we are building the frames once the frames are ordered because of winter weather and our work space. Also we need to ensure the staining process has been completed so we are able to package the frames safely. Please message me if you have any additional questions or to check if we are able to ship faster.

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